Monday, May 29, 2017


We made it! We finally arrived at our land on Saturday evening at 6:30 PM.  The first thing we did was just walk around and explore. The house and land are very trashy, left from the last people, but that is something that we can easily remedy.
We have a small pond! We didn't even know about that. We also have a creek, and a small patch of muskeg. The muskeg will draw mosquitoes, but I am still super excited about it! I can already see blueberry flowers, and it will also have cranberries, crow berries, watermelon berries, and cloudberries. I am excited to see what I can do with those.
It is good to be home! We have parked our motorhome and trailer, and put  our boat in a good spot, and it is great to have a place to come back to when we are out in town.
Andy got the electricity hooked up!  I didn't know it would be so easy to live off grid! I am just super thankful that Andy knows what he's doing, and had batteries, a homemade generator, and cables all ready  to go before we even left PA. 
We had the first meeting of the new church, River Of Life,, in Matt's living room yesterday. I was amazed at how many people were there, even though some were just visiting. 40, including children. We had a really Encouraging time of sharing, introductions, and telling how God brought each of us to Alaska.


At May 29, 2017 at 1:42 PM , Blogger Lillian Person said...

WELCOME to ALASKA!!! So glad to hear you have made it safe and sound and enjoyed the wonders along the way. Wish we could have seen you as you traveled from Palmer to Anchorage, but alas, we will be down your way soon and do our best to squeeze in a visit. Richard needs to do some low-tide work which is when I usually get my pre-season lasagnas made and frozen for the fishing season.
Here's hoping the mosquitoes will be a little slower as the warm sunny days of April and beginning of May have cooled down and given us the much needed rain we needed. There is about a 2-wk difference in vegetation (usually) between Chugiak (Anchorage area) and the Kenai Peninsula this time of year (usually the best time for grounds cleanup if anything was left from the previous owner as the Pushki/Cow Parsnip will cover most of everything soon -- beware of the fresh ones as the juice from them can give a nasty brown blister while the dry ones are still great swords for young ones). Until we meet -- blessings to you all and on your efforts settling in. <3


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