Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ah The Memories We Are Making!

You know how some of the worst times in your life later make the best memories? I remember several camping trips that we went on as a family where all it did was rain. Well, those are the ones I remember, not the ones where everything went smoothly. Funny how that goes.

So I'm thinking we are going to have some REALLY AWESOME memories of these days, because there is a lot that isn't going smoothly! 

We don't have a well pump yet, so the only water we have is the little bit in the motorhome tank. 

The  electricity system is not working as hoped so electricity is rare also. 

The neighbor shot our dog that we were hoping would have some puppies this summer and generate some income. 

Both Andy and Gabe have cuts from all the glass around this property (Some serious vandalism happened here, all the windows bashed out of the house and eight old vehicles, and broken glass is everywhere. We have cleaned most of it up now.) 

The puppies that we had sold to Alaskan people had trouble at the border because they had not had rabies shots. We have to quarrantine them until they are three months old and old enough to have rabies shots, and then for 30 days beyond that. Therefore all the people who bought the puppies except for one (bless them!) have backed out and got a complete refund of their deposit. 

We spent about a hundred dollars ONE TIME doing laundry and taking showers at the local laundromat. Not sustainable. So yesterday I tried to wash stuff in the shower. Um...not sure that's sustainable either, but I'll keep trying.

So what do you do when thugs aren't exactly looking optimistic? You throw your worries up to God and go salmon fishing!

We had an awesome time fishing on Saturday. Gorgeous sunny sky and the Anchor River was simply sparkling. I didn't have my fishing license, so I watched the children while Andy fished. He had a fish on three times, but his line always snapped. Time to buy heavier fishing line I think!

Anyway, we had a great time, and left our worries behind for a few hours. God is so good to never give us more than we can handle!


At June 7, 2017 at 8:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless your hearts! That's so sad about your dog :-(
Praying for better days ahead. Al & Ada

At June 9, 2017 at 1:54 PM , Blogger Tabitha said...

Thanks Al and Ada! Your encouragement means a lot!

At June 11, 2017 at 12:54 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, we are sorry about Cherokee too. Feels a bit like when Mel's dog Sierra died. A magnificent dog dying a premature death. It was traumatic and sad. Love you guys! April


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