Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I've Moved!

I moved my blog to my own website, so you can view that by clicking on this link below! misadventuresofanalaskanhousewife.com

Friday, June 23, 2017

One Of Those Days

 It's one of those days when I can't seem to get anything done. I go from phone call to phone call, trying to keep my head together, and trying to keep Gabe from eating all the cookies meanwhile. Thankfully Jasmine is sleeping, or we would be in real trouble!

A friend let us borrow a skid loader and bulldozer for the weekend,  so suddenly we are able to get a lot done! Andy was taking stumps out by hand and trying to level the house site with a shovel and hoe which was a lot of hard work, and took a long time.

Now that he has a skid loader, the house site is almost ready to go! He has it leveled and we just need to get a little bit of gravel on top yet.

So while I'm in here not getting much done, it feels great to be able to look outside and see things happening.

 Well, OK, I guess things are happening in here. I sold  two puppies before 6 AM this morning and two since!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Confessions of a Tired Mom

When I started a blog, I envisioned carefully crafted posts, with deep, inspirational thoughts, cool how-to articles, and hilariously witty observations about life.


Instead, I do well to get my two posts per week written at all, forget about having time to actually think deep thoughts about what to write.

The Meaning Of Life, My Thoughts on the Book of Revelation and The End Times, How to Train Perfect Children...

All these are blog posts I will probably never write, or even have  the time to think about! 

My morning goes something like this. 

4 AM 
Jasmine wakes up. Feed Jasmine. Jump back in bed and try to sleep before alarm rings.

5 AM 
Open one eye and look at phone to see if there are any missed calls, texts, or emails for the puppy job. Answer what calls, texts, and emails there are trying to sound as cheerful as I can, because down in Pennsylvania, it is already 9:00 AM and people don't understand that they are waking you up at an ungodly hour of the morning. 
Turn on sound on phone and go back to sleep, hoping and praying no one else calls or texts.

5 to 6 AM 
Phone rings, answer phone, go back to sleep thinking about how I should really get up and get a jumpstart on my day.

7:30 AM 
Children wake up fussy and hungry. We drag ourselves out of bed, and in between phone calls try to get the children dressed, bed made, and breakfast on the table.

From there on out, the days really vary. The quality of the meals we eat, and whether or not the house gets cleaned and dishes washed depends on how grumpy the children are, how busy the phone job is, and how much effort I make to try to get outside and help Andy with the house.

So here it is, time to write another blog post, and I can find nothing deep, inspirational, or witty in my exhausted brain.

But this is life right now! And I have to just do the best I can, even when it feels like I have so many things to do that nothing gets done well.

Post Script

For those of you who don't think 5 AM is all that early, let me explain that here in Alaska the sun doesn't set until 11:33 PM, to be exact, so it sure is hard to go to bed in decent time.

Friday, June 16, 2017

The 'Hood

The house is down to piles of boards! Boards with all the nails pulled, too. It feels like we have made progress this week. Some of the materials aren't good for much besides building a chicken house or something, but we managed to salvage some floor joists and other boards that are actually good enough to use in our new house!

We have been meeting more and more neighbors, and so far that has been a relatively good experience. Moondog came over to say hello, puttering in on his little lawn mower tractor. The next day he was back, and the day after that. He seems like a lonely person who needs someone to talk to. We fed him lunch on Wednesday and he spent the rest of the afternoon helping Andy pull nails out of boards.

Some other neighbors, Richard Reynolds and his family, showed us around their place and gave lots of helpful information for Alaska living. Richard was born and raised here in Alaska. They also sent us home with three big slabs of fresh caught King Salmon. We fried it up for supper in some butter and it tasted amazing!

Last night we went across the road to say hello to our neighbors there. Kevin and Tessie are the closest neighbors we have, and they are definitely a treasure trove of useful information and advice. They have a small homestead with a flock of sheep and chickens. They invited us over for pizza and fresh apple pie and we played some fiddle and guitar music for them after supper.

It has been good to get to know some of the people in our neighborhood, and I hope we can become friends.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Writing Home

Sometimes when lots of things are going wrong, it's hard to know how to write home without worrying everyone. So here is a mock letter home just for fun. Some of this happened and some didn't, so take it with a grain (or perhaps a handful) of salt.

Dear Mom & Dad, 

We are having a great time here in Alaska. Andy wanted me to be sure to write in case you saw the flood in the news and worried. 

We are OK. Only 1 of our puppies and some canned goods got washed away. It's a good thing our creek isn't any bigger or we would be in real trouble.

Luckily, none of us drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for our dog when it happened. We never would have found Cherokee in the dark if it hadn't been for the lightning. 

Andy was upset that Cherokee wandered off, but it happened during the fire so no one saw her go. Did you know that if you put gas on a fire, the gas could blow up? The wet wood and trash still didn't burn, but our boat did. Also, some of our clothes. Andy is going to look weird until his hair grows back. 

We plan to go get lumber for the house if Andy gets the motorhome fixed. It wasn't his fault about the wreck. The brakes worked OK when we left. Andy says that with a motorhome that old you have to expect something to break down; that's probably why we can't get insurance on it. 

We think it's a neat motorhome. When we go over bumps the front flaps and we catch air. It's almost like flying!

Guess what? We have all passed a first aid course! When Andy cut his arm on all the glass from the windows we got to see how a tourniquet works.

Gabe and I threw up. It was probably just food poisoning from the canned food we've been eating. 

Did you know that the Alaska state bird is the mosquito? We get bit by them a lot, but don't worry. Only one in five carry deadly diseases.

The neighbor shot our dog, but he missed us. Luckily we had gotten trapped down in our underground shipping containers when he opened fire.

I have to go now. We are going into town in a borrowed van to mail our letters and buy extra-strength bear spray. The other stuff didn't work.

Don't worry about anything. We are fine. 

Andy and Tabitha 

P.S. Can you remember how long it has been since I had a tetanus shot?

Friday, June 9, 2017

Progress (Or The Lack Thereof)

This week we started to tear down the house.

But we only got as far as the roof before we had to do other things. Andy agreed to work for a guy putting in rental cabins two miles down the road. Someone is booked to stay in one, um, today actually... so there is a big rush to get everything ready. One cabin and the bath house are almost finished, but they still need water and electricity hooked up, and with off grid systems, that takes a WHILE.

We have been gone about every day this week, running for parts, appliances etc. Since town is an hour away, running to town for parts can take all day. It stinks that the motor home is our only vehicle right now. We are in a constant state of upheaval!

I did learn something tho. It is possible to make bread in a moving motorhome! I waited and waited for the right time to make bread - a time when we would actually stay in one place for two hours straight, but it never happened. Finally I just started making bread, and sure enough, as soon as it was rising Andy needed another pipe fitting, so off we went!

Amazingly enough, the bread didn't even fall much! It sure was good to have something fresh after eating canned stuff for a couple weeks.

This morning we started off (late) to the vet with our five puppies in the motorhome to get them their rabies shots.

"Um... Hon..." Andy said on the way out the lane. "Looks like our speedometer isn't working." 

Thankfully it kicked into gear when we were partway to the vet.

I'm pretty sure this motorhome might just fall to pieces in the middle  of the road somewhere!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ah The Memories We Are Making!

You know how some of the worst times in your life later make the best memories? I remember several camping trips that we went on as a family where all it did was rain. Well, those are the ones I remember, not the ones where everything went smoothly. Funny how that goes.

So I'm thinking we are going to have some REALLY AWESOME memories of these days, because there is a lot that isn't going smoothly! 

We don't have a well pump yet, so the only water we have is the little bit in the motorhome tank. 

The  electricity system is not working as hoped so electricity is rare also. 

The neighbor shot our dog that we were hoping would have some puppies this summer and generate some income. 

Both Andy and Gabe have cuts from all the glass around this property (Some serious vandalism happened here, all the windows bashed out of the house and eight old vehicles, and broken glass is everywhere. We have cleaned most of it up now.) 

The puppies that we had sold to Alaskan people had trouble at the border because they had not had rabies shots. We have to quarrantine them until they are three months old and old enough to have rabies shots, and then for 30 days beyond that. Therefore all the people who bought the puppies except for one (bless them!) have backed out and got a complete refund of their deposit. 

We spent about a hundred dollars ONE TIME doing laundry and taking showers at the local laundromat. Not sustainable. So yesterday I tried to wash stuff in the shower. Um...not sure that's sustainable either, but I'll keep trying.

So what do you do when thugs aren't exactly looking optimistic? You throw your worries up to God and go salmon fishing!

We had an awesome time fishing on Saturday. Gorgeous sunny sky and the Anchor River was simply sparkling. I didn't have my fishing license, so I watched the children while Andy fished. He had a fish on three times, but his line always snapped. Time to buy heavier fishing line I think!

Anyway, we had a great time, and left our worries behind for a few hours. God is so good to never give us more than we can handle!

In Memory Of Cherokee

The neighbor shot our dog.

It was really our fault. We were trying to get some Salmon fishing in on Saturday as well as take a load of trash to the landfill. We were running out of time before the landfill closed, rushed home from the river to hook up to the loaded trailer, and left in a huge hurry without tying Cherokee up. Then, when we were at the landfill, our trailer hitch broke, crippling us. We spent the night at a friends' house, and headed home from church the next day, leaving our trailer sit until we can get the hitch fixed.

Cherokee wasn't around.

Andy walked the property line calling for her, but couldn't find her anywhere. Sunday night the neighbor came over and told us Cherokee had been chasing his sheep Sunday morning and had bitten a couple of them, so when she wouldn't come away he shot her.

Andy is taking it pretty hard, and it's a blow to all of us. After the huge PAIN of bringing her in the motorhome with us all the way from Pennsylvania, what a let down.

Plus there is something about having a dog in the wilderness here that makes you feel a little more secure somehow.

We miss our dog. But we aren't mad at the neighbor. It really was our fault for not tying her up.

Sometimes it feels like one thing after the next is going badly. We could really use your prayers!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

3 Reasons Why We Love Our Place (Even Though It Is A Dump)

The last people who had our place completely trashed it. There is junk everywhere and random piles of brush, rotting out vehicles etc. It's  a mess! 

It takes a lot of work to clean up a place like this, but there are a few things that make it worth it.

1. Location/Potential

We are located two miles from the ocean with a gorgeous view of the volcanoes across the inlet. Once  we get the place cleaned up, it has some real potential to be a beautiful spot for a cabin and homestead! We also have a creek as well as a small pond, and the soil looks good for growing a garden. All huge pluses!

2. Price

We got our 18 acres dirt cheap. Sure, there is a lot of work involved to make it nice, but right now we have more time than we have money, so it works out. :)

3. It's Ours

There is a lot to be said for owning something. It makes the flaws not seem so big and the work seem like fun. It's our own land! We can do what we want with it! Build what we want! Plant what we want! It's a heady feeling.

We've  been hitting the trash hard, cleaning and gutting the house in just 24 hours! We have also been working on cleaning out the shed that is here, and unloading our trailer into it. Plus there is all the trash heaps around, and we have been cleaning those up and hauling it to the landfill. Below are some before and after pictures of the house. The house itself is not very nice, but the materials are still good, so our plan at this point is to tear it down, and use the materials to build a cabin!